How to Choose Between Two Equally Tempting Jobs

how to choose between two jobs

While some job seekers struggle to even land an interview, others are fortunate to get two job offers (or more!) at once. While this is an enviable position to be in, it does mean a decision needs to be made and can leave job seekers wondering how to choose between two jobs.

The following guide will help any job hunter with this dilemma make their decision.

What to Consider When Choosing Between Two Jobs

Career Relevance

When both job offers are equally tempting, the first factor anyone should look at is career relevance. Job seekers should always be thinking ahead in terms of the path they want their career to take. Think about career advancement and which job might be the better stepping stone to take next. There may be a more obvious choice in some cases than in others, but candidates should choose the job they think will have a better impact on their career as a whole.


Salary is another factor to consider when wondering how to choose between two jobs. One job might pay more than the other. While money should not be the only factor a candidate considers, it is still an important one. Candidates should take into account their cost of living and their salary expectations before accepting either job offer. Money may ultimately necessitate choosing one job over the other if one of the jobs simply doesn’t pay enough.


A candidate must also consider the benefits offered by each job. More attractive benefits can outweigh a smaller salary. Candidates need to consider their personal needs too. For example, good health and dental insurance may be a deciding factor. Other nice perks such as discounts, bonuses, and the ability to work from home some of the time may give one job more favor over the other.


Candidates should also consider where they will be working. Most people prefer to work as close to where they live as possible because it saves money and time. Commute time can be a point in favor or against one of the jobs. If a business is located in an area that does not make the job seeker very comfortable, they may have good reason to choose the other job. Other nearby amenities can also play into the decision, such as childcare facilities, professional development opportunities and other businesses.

Company Culture

While it can be difficult to get a feel for great company culture during the hiring process, it is still an important factor to consider. A new hire can gauge company culture by doing some research as well as looking back on their interactions with employees of each company. Look up reviews from former employees and, if possible, ask former employees about a company’s culture in person. Consider the kind of reputations each company has among both professionals and consumers, as well as company values.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

It is important for job seekers faced with this decision to make a list of key pros and cons to choosing either job. How to choose between two jobs is to carefully weigh each factor and then ultimately make a decision. Don’t neglect gut instinct either. Sometimes, it knows best.

Looking to land an offer or two? Check out open job positions hiring now in Arizona!

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