6 Free Career Aptitude Tests To Propel Your Work Life

Curious as to how to improve your chances of landing your dream career? Want to really know what fulfills you in the way of work? Here are 6 free career aptitude tests for adults to boost your job search! 

6 Free Career Aptitude Tests for Adults To Propel Your Work Life

1. MyPlan.com

MyPlan.com’s Career Values Assessment helps you learn your needs and motivations in the workplace, as well as reveal what is truly important to you in a career. The test asks you to rank different characteristics of work that each represent six particular work values. You’ll receive a score for each of the six work values, which will showcase values most important to you.

The test is 20 questions long, and takes approximately 12 minutes to complete. Additionally, you will have 739 occupations rank-ordered according to how you scored. This way, you’ll be able to see if your current occupation is well-suited for your values.

2. My Next Move

Although My Next Move is primarily a tool for veterans finding careers post-military.. Their O*NET Interest Profiler can be utilized by anyone regardless of what stage their career is in. The O*NET Interest Profiler is comprised of 60 questions about work activities. You rank each scenario on a scale from Strongly Dislike to Strongly Like. Then, at the end, you receive information about your interests and what kinds of careers you may want to pursue.

If you’re a veteran seeking a rewarding career, check out careers at USAA, or any of the Veteran Committed Employers in Arizona. They offer extensive support as well as benefits for military employees and their families.

3. 123test

123test is one of the top free career aptitude tests for adults to help you find out which careers as well as occupations prove best suited for your personality. The test takes about five to ten minutes to complete. You’ll receive sets of four work scenarios through visual aids. Then, you choose which ones appeal to you and which ones do not. At the end of the test, 123test will provide you with a list of occupations that suit your personality.

4. PI Behavioral Assessment

You can request a free demo through the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment. It claims to be backed by science created to meet the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists (SIOP), and the International Test Commission (ITC). The PI Behavioral Assessment has been researched in over 500 studies, and the score is related to valid workplace results, such as employee turnover, sales, etc.

5. 16Personalities

16Personalities offers a personality test based off of the Myers-Briggs assessment and Jungian theory. Like the Myers-Briggs test, 16Personalities will divide you into four-letter acronyms, that determine whether you have introversion or extroversion, intuition or sensing, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. Additionally, 16Personalities — one of the best free career aptitude tests — divides you into one of four roles: analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers. In their assessment, 16Personalities infers your workplace habits, and what careers might prove suited to your personality type.

More of an introvert? Try exploring some of these comforting jobs for people with anxiety!

6. Sokanu Career Test

The Sokanu Career Test also helps determine a career perfect for you. The assessment takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, and its results match you against over 100 traits and offers suggestions of over 800 professions. Sokanu collects data from multiple sources, and builds a psychometric model based off of how you answer their test. To see how you fit with a possible career, Sokanu has 4 Dimensions of Fit: interests, personality, workplace, and history & goals. It combines the career model with who you are to find a common career match. That’s what makes it one of the best free career aptitude tests out there.

Using some (or all) of these six free career aptitude tests, you can then propel your work life forward and find a fulfilling, “perfect” career match for your personality and lifestyle.

If you’re on the job hunt, then consider applying for a job opening with one of Arizona’s award-winning companies. Be sure to follow BestCompaniesAZ on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram!

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